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Trailer Saison 2024/25

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Idomeneo by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Composed in 1781 as a commissioned work, Mozart was able to draw musically from the full for his most extensive and ambitious work. A storm, which his music conjures up so vividly, rages not only outside, but also in all the characters in the opera. You can look forward to an excellent cast with Rolando Villazón as Idomeneo and Emily D'Angelo in the role of Idamante.

Dates & Tickets

from 28th february

Premiere -Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček

In his satirical opera Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček, Leoš Janáček succeeded in further developing his advanced musical language and enriching it with ambiguous comedy. Simon Rattle takes over the musical direction, while Robert Carsen directs.

Dates & Tickets

Premiere at 16th march

Verdi's rarely performed opera Simon Boccanegra

The composer has designed and created a musical drama with high-profile characters and concise solo, duet and ensemble scenes, generally in dark colors. The revised 1881 version of Simon Boccanegra performed at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden is a work of pointed musical expression and great emotion.

Dates & Tickets

from 21st march

Abonnementkonzert VI with Christian Thielemann

The program includes Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 6, a work that is often somewhat overshadowed by its neighbors, but has its own individual qualities and a certain “individuality”. The symphony is preceded by Sebastian im Traum by Hans Werner Henze, a composition written in 2004 for large orchestra based on the poem of the same name by Georg Trakl. 

Programme & Tickets

at 24th & 25th march